“Stick”-ing Together

During lacrosse season at Faith Lutheran, each player on our boys D2 middle school team gets a big brother from the High School Varsity Lacrosse team.

This program got started many years ago by the varsity head coach, Mr. Gravitt. “My dad started this [program] to give back to the community,” said senior player and Big Brother Grant Gravitt. “It started when I was a freshmen, and it was cool for a couple of games, but [we] didn’t follow through.” Anthony Hibler (a Little Brother) said, “I think it will help the D2 team be better players.”

This year the varsity boys plan on doing much more for the program. At the first home lacrosse game for the Varsity boys, the D2 team’s big brothers were announced during half time. The little brothers were presented a shirt, talked to their big brothers, and took pictures.

The majority of the varsity players had big brothers when they attended Faith in middle school.  Christian Marshall (a Big Brother) said, “I had an older brother when I was in 7th grade and I thought it was really cool because when I went to the games I was like,  ‘Hey that’s my big brother!’  and I really looked up to him.”

The varsity players work hard to be a good examples on and off the field for their little brothers. “I definitely looked up the guys in high school when I was in middle school, and I hope to be a good role model to them,” stated Gravitt. It seems like Grant’s goal is getting accomplished, Jack Murphy (Little Brother) said, “I think Grant is a great role model for me.”

The goal for this program is to help the younger generation. “They are going to help us with our passing, catching, dodging and all around being a better player,” Colin Stuhmer (Little Brother) stated. Nick Wendel (Big Brother) said, “I think it helps them a lot, getting to know the game.”

Little brothers agree, “I think it will improve mine and my teams playing,” said Stuhmer. While other little brothers intend on asking questions, Hibler said, “I plan on asking how to improve on my defense skills.”

Some of the brothers have ideas on what they plan on doing with them on and off field. “We are going to shoot around and maybe talk about middle school girls” said Gravitt. Marshall is looking forward to “being able to see them in the hallway and say ‘hey what’s up’.