Say goodbye to taxis and teenagers driving, Uber is taking over


In the coming weeks, Uber, a transportation service, will be taking over the streets of Las Vegas, and may possibly remove the urge to obtain a license among teenagers. Uber is a vehicle service that picks up people who need a ride and delivers them to their destination, similar to a taxi. However, customers are able to use the Uber smartphone app in order to directly request an Uber vehicle to pick them up, with the estimated cost and tip charged instantly to a customer’s credit card. Theoretically, if someone needs a ride and is strapped for cash, they’re able to charge Uber’s cost to their credit card without having to worry about paying with any bills or coins.

In the app, a customer is given the driver’s information including their name, picture, and vehicle they drive. Highly populated areas, such as New York City, consider Uber incredibly useful. In fact, many teenagers living in areas like New York City are losing the desire to receive a license, favoring the use of Uber’s service to take them wherever they need instead of driving themselves.

“Uber is for teenagers in big cities who don’t need cars and impaired drivers who can’t drive home.  Teenagers should want their licenses and all the new freedom that comes with it,” explained junior, Sarah Morgan.

Overall, services like Uber are often cheaper and more efficient than owning a car. People can save thousands of dollars by not paying for maintenance, registration fees, insurance and gas. Some other perks include replacing distracted teenage drivers, not worrying about parking, nor driving behind a wheel intoxicated.

“Every teenager is so excited to be able to drive and have their licenses. It should be better for senior citizens, rather than teenagers,” said junior, Ansley Burbank.

Taxi companies are trying to prevent Uber’s service from coming to Las Vegas, in fear of a decline in sales and customers.  In recent studies, an Uber pick-up is less expensive than a taxi ride, yet Uber draws concern with many people, including parents. For example, in order to become an Uber driver, an applicant only has to pass a background check, maintain good health, apply at an appropriate age, and obviously demonstrate the ability to drive. Many taxi companies deem Uber drivers as unsafe, since an Uber driver doesn’t have to be a licensed taxicab driver.

“This is an absolute concern. I would have to use it a few times first before I let my child use it. I think taxi companies are trying to pull out all of the stops to get rid of Uber, just to save their own businesses. If I had a daughter, I wouldn’t be comfortable letting her in.” said Julie Pennacchini, a Faith Lutheran parent.

Obviously, Uber is making a mark on the world of technology and transportation. But, will it make a mark so big that it erases taxis and licenses all together?