Downtown Summerlin goes Uptown


From clothing to food, the new Summerlin Mall offers something for everyone.


The mall officially opened October ninth. Being so close to Faith, it brings many benefits to students and teachers.


Ellery Wilson, freshman, said, “There’s no other mall in Summerlin; you have to go either all the way to Fashion Show or Meadows Mall.”


“I feel that the mall could be a real distraction as far as [the] seniors who have off campus lunch,” said Mr. Bowline, the high school assistant principal. “They’re going to go there and think they have more time than they actually do.”


Although Mr. Bowline is uneasy about students’ priorities, he isn’t as worried about the teachers. “I feel that the teachers will act more responsibly and go after school or on the weekends,” he said.


“I’ll go to the mall during lunch as long as it is less busy than it is now” said Jessica Scamman, Senior, “there would be too many people.”


Since the mall contains over 125 shops, there are numerous potential jobs for Faith students.


Wilson said that she would be working in her dad’s shop, Spike USA.


She explains that her dad actually sold his product called a spike – a combination of a skateboard, bike, and scooter – the night before the mall opened.


Wilson also mentions the large crowd of people she sees buying things throughout the mall.


Nikolas Baldwin, freshman agrees, saying, “It was very busy; we had a hard time getting in.”


“It was a really hot walk, but it was really interesting with all the different aspects and all the different shops that we could go into. I would definitely want to go again,” freshman Makena Martin said. “It’s more twenty-first century compared to the Meadows Mall or the Fashion Show.”


The location and variety of the Summerlin Mall provides the necessary characteristics for many Faith students to work there, or just enjoy the inviting atmosphere.