Election Day: It’s Finally Here


Kaya Thomas

A Las Vegas “I voted” sticker.

Election day has arrived. Today is the final day for people to cast their votes on who they believe is best fit to lead the country. The leading parties representatives are driven by Hillary Clinton and her pick for vice president, Tim Kaine, and Donald Trump and his running mate, Mike Pence.

Clinton falls on the left side of the spectrum due to her very liberal views on policies such as immigration, abortion, health care, and taxes. On the other hand, her opponent, Trump, disagrees with her stance on practically every level except free trade deals and improved health care for veterans.

Election polls differ quite a bit from one another, but most award Clinton with a slight lead over Trump and a bigger boost in electoral support. The election has been a big deal especially since both candidates have been caught up in major scandals. Trump has been accused of sexual misconduct and violating women’s bodies without their consent, Clinton had been under investigation by the FBI because of government documents/ emails leaked from her personal server.

Most people who attend faith will not be allowed to vote this election, but still, have their own opinions on who should take over after current President Obama.

“I’d say there are a lot [of turn-offs for voters] for both [candidates],” sophomore Steve Mascella stated, “For Trump, it’s that he’s disrespecting people, but for Hillary it’s all the [things] she’s done in the past and all the [things] that lots of people think she will do [if elected president].”

Another big topic in this election is the point in voting. Throughout the election, social media platforms have gotten celebrities to endorse the idea of getting out and voting (mainly for Clinton) because their votes do count.

“I do think there is a point in voting. I know some people don’t care about voting” said Mascella, “but voting is important because basically you’re picking the leader of your country and you want a good leader for your country.”

Celebrity endorsements have become a bigger deal in this election than any ever before. Clinton has gotten, what seems like, every possible celebrity to vouch for her. Celebrities like Katy Perry and Beyoncé, who have both been outspoken supporters of Clinton, have influenced the younger generation and continue to encourage them to vote for Clinton through a free concert five days before the election. Trump, on the other hand, has only gotten a few celebrities to join his side. Stephen Baldwin, Dennis Rodman, and Willie Robertson are a few names he has picked up on his campaign trail. Although Clinton has the mass collection of celebrities, Trump has claimed he doesn’t need any help to win this election.

Overall, it’s important for students who can vote to have their voice heard through voting. It’s time for Americans to take a stand and use their rights in order to express what they believe in.